Sunday, November 21, 2010

Moving on to WordPress

Hello friends.  Big announcement here......I'm moving!  No, I'm not moving my apartment or leaving the city, I'm moving my site.  I'll still be Don't Forget Love and I'll have all my old posts, but I'm now on the WordPress format.  I'm still figuring out that format, but I really like it so far.  So check me out!  DontForgetLove the WordPress way. 

So please subscribe on that website and/or click on the link that says "Posts" in the upper right corner to get my posts on your google homepage (or whatever homepage you use if you have one).  I won't be updating this site any more which is a little sad but I hope you'll enjoy my new format.  I'm sure there will be a few technical difficulties at first, but I hope it will be worth it. 


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